Lime Tree Farm Solutions

Virgin Coconut Oil Softgel Capsules 

🌿 Lime Tree Farm Solutions is THRILLED to introduce our latest products: Virgin Coconut Oil Softgel Capsules in four variants!

1️⃣ 1000 mg in 30s
2️⃣ 1000 mg in 60s
3️⃣ 500 mg in 30s
4️⃣ 500 mg in 60s

🚀 Packed with nature’s goodness, our VCO Softgel Capsules offer a multitude of health benefits:

🌟 Boosts immunity
🌟 Supports heart health
🌟 Enhances skin radiance
🌟 Aids in weight management
🌟 Promotes digestive health

💡 Did you know? According to research conducted by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), virgin coconut oil has shown remarkable effectiveness in providing COVID-19 relief! 🦠🚫 Stay protected and boost your immune system naturally!

🚀 Launching soon!